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Web site of the russian cemetery

The site of the russian cemetery of Sainte Geneviève des Bois is cimetiere-russe.org


Church and committee for the maintenance of Orthodox burials (cesor): 8 rue Léo Lagrange, 91700 Sainte Geneviève des Bois.

Secretariat of the Parish and of the Committee for the Maintenance of Orthodox Graves

Mrs Farida Azougue : +331 60 15 11 40, secretariat[at]cimetiere-russe.org .

A visit to the church, outside the hours of the celebrations, is possible for a group of at least five people. A participation of € 5 per person is required. It is also possible to organize a guided tour of the Russian cemetery. Contact Mrs. Azougue.


Father Anatole Negruta (French, Russian, Romanian, Moldovan languages): +33 (0) 6 69 29 98 72, anatolenegruta[at]yahoo.fr

Father Marc André (spoken languages French, english, german, basic Russian): +33 (0) 6 77 22 33 50, marc.andre[at]37quincampoix.com

Lay Leader and Choir Master

Nicolas Lopukhin : +33 (0) 6 37 05 52 72, lopukhinen[at]yahoo.fr


Church: vigils on Saturdays at 5 p.m. and liturgy on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. except exceptions. For holiday and current month schedules, see the announcements on the home page.

Parish secretariat and committee for the maintenance of Russian Orthodox burials: from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Cemetery: every day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Extended hours in the summer (from March 1st to September 30th) until 7 p.m.